Cologne, Sep 2 (DPA) German Football Federation president Theo Zwanziger Wednesday quashed speculation that former coach Juergen Klinsmann would return to the national team.

German media had earlier reported that it was possible that Klinsmann, who coached the hosts to third place at the 2006 World Cup with present coach Joachim Loew as his assistant, could become an advisor for Loew at the finals in South Africa in 2010.

Zwanziger, however, told the online edition of TZ newspaper that he valued Klinsmann and his opinion, but “the national coach does not need an advisor”.

“Klinsmann has shown us what he can do and how he can form a team and motivate people. He made a huge contribution to German football. But now Loew is the national coach and chief and I think that he knows exactly what he needs to do and how he needs to decide,” he added.

Earlier German manager Oliver Bierhoff confirmed in Bild that the federation had good contacts to Klinsmann, who was fired by Bayern Munich in April.

“Juergen is not under contract to any club at the moment. That is why he can look at a lot of things objectively. He remains an important sparring partner with whom we can address things,” he maintained.

Bierhoff said that Klinsmann’s opinion was valued. “Our contact to Juergen remains very, very close. We always look forward to exchanging ideas and experiences and hearing his opinion.”