Bangalore, May 3 (IANS) India will have two snooker players in the world professional tour with Aditya Mehta automatically qualifying after winning the Asian championship and Pankaj Advani being nominated as the wild card on invitation.

According to a press release from Billiards and Snooker Federation of India secretary S Balasubramaniam here Thursday, the Indian federation was offered one wild card entry that went to Advani since Mehta had already qualified as the continental champion.
Meanwhile, R.B. Ganesh (Chennai), C. Ravindranath (Bangalore) and Edward Kennedy (Chennai) have been named as the referees for the Q-School and Player Tour Championship (PTC) events, the release added.
Advani will be required to participate in the three Q-School events to be played at the World Snooker Academy in Sheffield, England. There will be 12 qualifiers from Q-School at the end of the series and they will earn a two-year tour card.
These qualifiers will be on stand-by for the PTC events and based on the rankings, will fill vacancies should it arise for any reason.