High-voltage drama unfolded at chief minister Arvind Kejriwal’s residence in north Delhi after Aam Aadmi Party’s Rajya Sabha MP, Swati Maliwal, claimed in a PCR call that she had been assaulted by Kejriwal’s personal assistant, Bibhav, on the former’s instructions. Later, she went to the Civil Lines police station in order to file an FIR. The falling out between the two is particularly concerning as Kejriwal prepares for the upcoming poll campaign. Sanjay Singh addressed the issue at a press conference, praising Maliwal’s work for the country and society and emphasizing that the party stands with her. BJP, on the other hand, has gone on the offensive, with Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva questioning why arrests were not made immediately and why pressure was put on Maliwal to remain silent.
