Pretoria, Jan 11 ( Around 300,000 motorists were penalised for violating traffic rules in South Africa last month, where 1100 people fell victims to road accidents during the period, according to a government data.

A preliminary reports by the department of transport said, 1100 deaths were recorded on the country’s roads in December. And, 103 persons died in the first week of January 2010.

The department, however, said the official toll during the festive season would be released later this month.

In December, more than 290,000 motorists were fined for speeding and 3,569 arrested for drunken driving, BuaNews reported Monday.

At least 2,849 vehicles, including buses and taxis, were removed from the roads after authorities found them unfit for road. About 262 reckless drivers were arrested and a thousand others were fined for offences such as driving without seatbelts.