Melbourne, Nov 9 ( An Australian girl has become a mother – at age 12.

The girl delivered a boy in her hometown in New South Wales, the website of Woman’s Day reported Monday.

When the girl told her father that she was pregnant, they clung together and wept.

The pre-teen has become one of the youngest mothers in the country after giving birth last month.

“She is only a baby herself and now she’s got a baby,” the girl’s father told Woman’s Day in an exclusive interview.

“She hasn’t got any maternal instincts at all. She never even played with dolls when she was younger. She never played at being a mummy. This breaks my heart,” he was quoted as saying.

He is also worried about the physical impact the birth has had on his daughter and says that his daughter had an emergency caesarean.

“It was early,” he says, adding: “They had to perform an emergency caesarean because she had high blood pressure. She was petrified but came through OK.”