Abu Dhabi, April 24 (Inditop.com) Amnesty International has urged the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to investigate the alleged torture and forced confession of 17 Indian prisoners accused of killing a Pakistani.

The detainees were found guilty last month over the murder in the emirate of Sharjah and were sentenced to death.

“This is a mockery of justice. These 17 men have been tortured, forced to confess and sentenced to death based on a faked video,” Amnesty’s deputy director for Middle East and North Africa Hassiba Hadj Sharaoui said.

The rights group has asked the UAE authorities to probe the allegations of torture and abuse and ensure the 17 men receive a fair trial on appeal, Press TV reported Saturday.

Citing evidence provided by Indian rights group Lawyers For Human Rights International (LFHRI), Amnesty said: “The 17 men were beaten with clubs, given electric shocks, deprived of sleep and forced to stand on one leg for prolonged periods.”

The group also condemned UAE officials for notifying the prisoners about their death sentences 16 days after the verdict was issued. The accused have lodged an appeal and are due to be heard in court May 19.

Authorities in the UAE have made no comment about the allegations.