Rome, Dec 14 (DPA) Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was bloodied and knocked to the ground by an attacker shortly after a political meeting in the Italian city of Milan Sunday.

Berlusconi, who was hit in the face and bleeding profusely from the mouth, was rushed into a car and driven away after the attack to be examined at a hospital, reported eyewitnesses.

An examination at the hospital showed that Berlusconi had suffered damage to two teeth and also had cuts around his mouth. The prime minister never lost consciousness, but was being held in the hospital overnight while further tests were conducted.

Media reports identified the alleged attacker as Massimo Tartaglia, a man in his early 40s. Tartaglia allegedly approached Berlusconi as the 73-year-old prime minister was leaving a rally of his People of Freedom (PdL) party.

Conflicting reports said Berlusconi was either punched in the face or struck by a thrown miniature replica of the Milan Cathedral.

Berlusconi was in Milan to rally support in advance of March elections.

Members of Berlusconi’s party decried the “climate of confrontation” that led to such attacks. Umberto Bossi, a coalition partner, spoke of a “terrorist act.” The attack was also condemned by opposition parties.