New Delhi, Dec 17 ( Bhutan’s King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck will come to India on a six-day state visit Monday, his first state visit since his formal coronation over a year ago that is expected to strengthen the special relationship between the two countries.

“Relations between India and Bhutan are characterised by profound friendship, deep understanding and trust,” the external affairs ministry said here Thursday while announcing the visit.

“The visit of the King of Bhutan will contribute to further strengthening and expanding the close bilateral relations between the two countries,” the ministry said.

He had last visited India in February 2007.

“His Majesty’s first state visit to India will be an important milestone in further promoting the goodwill, understanding and mutually beneficial cooperation between Bhutan and India,” the Bhutanese foreign ministry said in Thimphu.

The Bhutanese monarch will be accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister Lyonpo Ugyen Tshering and Economic Affairs Minister Lyonpo Khandu Wangchuk and senior government officials.

He will hold wide-ranging talks with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh next week to explore opportunities for greater cooperation in areas of energy and economic development.

Senior ministers, including External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna and Home Minister P. Chidambaram, are among those who will call on the king of Bhutan, the idyllic Himalayan state that prides itself on measuring its national wealth in terms of gross national happiness.

India and Bhutan modernised their multi-faceted ties over two years ago by signing a revised treaty of friendship and cooperation that gave Thimphu more freedom in the crucial areas of foreign policy and non-lethal military purchases provided it does not impinge on New Delhi’s interests.

Thimphu has also been the largest recipient of Indian foreign aid over the years.