Beijing, Jan 17 ( The bodies of eight Chinese police officers buried under the UN building that collapsed in the devastating earthquake in Haiti were found Sunday, authorities said here.

The ministry of public security said that the first body was found Jan 16 after more than 80 hours of search and rescue work, Xinhua reported.

Of the victims, four were officers of China’s peacekeeping force in Haiti and the rest were in a team sent to Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, for peacekeeping consultations, according to the ministry.

The eight were meeting UN officials in the headquarters of the UN Stabilization Mission in Port-au-Prince when the quake struck Tuesday.

According to the ministry, the bodies will be brought back to China.

Tens of thousands of people are feared dead in the 7.0 magnitude quake that has reduced the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, to rubble.