London, Dec 2 (IANS) A 20-year-old Briton stabbed a long-time friend with a Samurai sword after the latter joked about the size of his nose, a media report said Thursday.

Matthew Peters was so angry after the comment from Liam Johnston, 20, about his nose that he ran home and brought back a sword up from his father’s collection of ornamental weapons. He ran back to Johnston and plunged the blade into his thigh, the Newcastle Crown Court was told, according to the Daily Mail.

Johnston said: ‘I was frightened when I saw the sword but I wasn’t terrified. He’s a mate, so I didn’t think he would actually do anything to me. I couldn’t believe it when he stabbed me. I haven’t had anything to do with him since then. There’s no friendship there anymore.’

The stabbing occurred in North Shields town in Tyne and Wear county Aug 12.

‘We were just walking along the street when we had a small argument. It was stupid really but he just flipped. He ran back to his house, picked up the sword and then he just came round and stabbed me in the street,’ Johnston said.

The sword pierced a nerve, and after surgery Johnston was left with a 35 cm scar.

Peters pleaded guilty to wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and was sentenced to five years and four months in jail.