Tehran, June 26 (IANS) The Opposition by a number of countries to the UN Security Council’s sanctions against Iran indicate that the ‘bullying powers’ are no longer effective, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Saturday.

‘In the past, no country dared to say ‘No’ to the bullying powers. But thanks to emergence of new diplomacy and Iran’s righteous stance, the countries do not bow to force any longer,’ IRNA news agency quoted Mottaki as saying.

On Tehran’s stance on the countries favouring anti-Iran sanctions, Mottaki said: ‘We have sent protest letters to these countries and challenged their votes by setting forth logical evidence.’

He said the ‘arrogant powers’ want to make a psychological impact on the Iran by passing such sanctions.

The country’s economic prosperity, however, shows that such moves are ineffective, Mottaki said.