Dhaka, July 24 (Inditop.com) China is a victim of terrorism like Bangladesh and India and wants to join the UN-led campaign against terror, a Chinese diplomat has said.

Chinese special envoy Zhou Gang met the Bangladeshi leadership Thursday to brief them of the developments in China’s Xinjiang province that recently witnessed protests by the Uighur community.

Gang said China was the victim of terrorism like Bangladesh and India and the terrorists and separatist forces were financed by groups of people from outside China and had links with some international terrorist organisations.

Zhou is an old South Asia hand, having earlier been ambassador to India and Pakistan.

His country also supported the UN Security Council resolution upholding sovereignty and integrity of a country, New Age newspaper said Friday.

Bangladesh is a member of the Organisation of Islamic countries (OIC). Zhou said China had cordial relations with OIC members and appreciated their support.

He spoke on the developments in Xinjiang province which was recently rocked by bloody riots.

The envoy said a nexus of three forces — extremists, terrorists and separatists — wanted to damage China’s national unity, ethnic solidarity and stability and its economic development.