Durban, Dec 5 (IANS) China, the biggest carbon dioxide emitter, Monday agreed to accept a legally binding climate deal post-2020 but with five pre-conditions, including review of the steps taken by the rich countries so far to address the issue of climate change.

China’s chief negotiator Xie Zhenhua said: ‘We accept a legally binding arrangement with five pre-conditions post-2020. As long as principles of common but differentiated responsibility and equity are ensured, individual capability is guaranteed, we would like to take the legally binding emission.’

The conditions also include a renewal of emission-cut pledges by rich nations under the Kyoto Protocol, along with transparency on climate funding and operationalisation of Cancun agreements.

He said China under its National Action Plan has already pledged to bring down carbon emissions by 17 percent in the next five years while it has already reduced 1.5 tonnes of carbon in last five years.

China as of now is the biggest emitter of CO2 followed by the US, EU, Russia and India.