Mumbai, April 7 ( The Indian Naval Sailing Vessel, Mhadei, currently on a solo circumnavigation of the globe, started on its last leg for home from the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa Tuesday, a defence spokesperson said here Wednesday.

Commander Dilip Donde was seen off by a large number of well-wishers and members of the local Indian community as he started for Mumbai from where he had embarked on the tough voyage Aug 19 last year.

Donde had a brief stopover in Cape Town for routine checks for the boat in the city which is considered the yachting hub of the southern hemisphere.

Interacting with the people, Donde spoke of the dangers which lay ahead on his long – 6,500 nautical miles, and the longest single leg so far – voyage to Mumbai.

He also said he would sail in a wide berth to the Cape of Good Hope where the seas are so rough that the area is known as ‘graveyard of ships’ in maritime circles.

Donde will sail down south until hitting the 40 degree latitude, or the roaring 40s for the gale force winds that blow in the region, before taking a north-east turn.

He would encounter fresh challenges on his voyage with different sailing conditions. From the roaring 40s, he would be entering the frustrating doldrums close to the equator, the steady trade winds and the uncomfortable monsoons.

However, the monsoons would be important as the south westerly winds would help him cross the equator and head for the home lap thereafter.

Beyond that, sailing to the far east of Maldives is a matter of concern as the region is infested with sea pirates.

“However, the Indian Navy is not leaving anything to chance as far as Mhadei’s security is concerned,” the spokesperson said.

On the final leg of the circumnavigation, Mhadei will deploy two weather buoys at designated locations during the voyage for the South African Weather Services (SAWS).

These buoys would form part of a chain of such buoys that would help SAWS gather meteorological data for accurate weather forecasts.

Donde and Mhadei, scheduled to reach Mumbai by mid-May, shall be given a tumultuous welcome on their homecoming.