Copenhagen, Dec 11 (DPA) The rift between industrialised and poor nations was growing Friday at the Copenhagen climate summit, as the spokesman for the G77 group of developing nations accused the rich world of undermining the conference.

Sudan’s Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping, spokesman for the 130-nation grouping, left a meeting with the Danish conference presidency in protest overnight, Denmark’s TV2 News reported.

He later blamed the hosts for “undermining” the conference. The negative intent of some people was ruining the climate meeting, he said. “The conference is not going well,” Di-Aping added.

Sudan’s UN ambassador has complained several times about the lack of will of rich countries to finance climate aid for developing countries.

In a meeting in Brussels on Thursday, the 27 member states of the European Union failed to agree on a climate mitigation budget for developing nations.

Poorer nations are also opposed to plans by the US and European Union to elicit concrete emission cuts from them. Developing nations are most hit by the effects of climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions by industrialised nations are a major cause of climate change.