Dhaka, Jan 23 (DPA) The European Union reiterated its opposition to the death penalty Saturday aimed at Bangladeshi authorities as they investigate deaths related to the country’s 1971 independence struggle.

Most parties in Bangladesh have taken a hands-off approach to the deaths in the past, many of which are believed to have been politically motivated.

However, that has changed under current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed. She is one of two surviving daughters of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who was murdered with most of his family in a 1975 military putsch.

Also being investigated is an early 2009 mutiny against the government.

The EU’s statement comes as a reminder as officials wade into those cases.

“Our view is that the abolition of the death penalty contributes to the enhancement of human dignity and the progressive development of human rights,” said the statement issued by Catherine Ashton, the EU high representative for foreign affairs.

Twelve people have already been sentenced to death in the trials and more trials are planned.