London, Aug 25 (IANS) Scientists have come up with another good reason why we must exercise. It helps us feel full too.

Besides burning calories, exercise also sensitises nerve cells (neurons) into a feeling of satiety, which leads to reduced food intake and consequently weight loss, concludes a new study.

The study was led by Jose Barreto C. Carvalheira, University of Campinas, Brazil, reports the journal Public Library of Science-Biology.

This disclosure may bring hope to over 40 percent of the population that suffers from weight problems and obesity worldwide, according to a statement of the University of Campinas.

Excessive consumption of fat is believed to create failures in the signal transmitted by neurons controlling satiety in a region of the brain called the hypothalamus. These failures can propel uncontrollable food intake and, consequently, obesity.

Carvalheira’s team demonstrated that exercising obese rodents showed signals of restored satiety in hypothalamic neurons and decreased food intake.

Physical activity contributes to the prevention and treatment of obesity, not only by increasing energy expenditure but also by modulating the signals of satiety and reducing food intake.