London, Dec 5 (IANS) Agriculture is vital for the survival of endangered species in the developing world many of which use farmland to supplement their natural habitat.

Many species, rather than just using farmland to supplement their natural habitat, would actually be driven to extinction without it, says a new research from the University of East Anglia.

Species such as the white-shouldered Ibis in Cambodia, the Sociable Lapwing in Kazakhstan and the Liben Lark in Ethiopia rely on local people and their agriculture, the journal Conservation Letters reports.

Greatest benefit accrue from local communities practising traditional agriculture with low ecological impact, according to an East Anglia statement.

Valuable practices include grazing animals on land where rare species breed and feed, and growing cereal crops which provide a rich source of food.

‘Conservation efforts in the developing world focus a lot of attention on forest species and pristine habitats – so people have usually been seen as a problem,’ said Hugh Wright of the University’s School of Environmental Sciences.

‘But there are a number of threatened species, particularly birds but probably a whole range of wildlife, which heavily depend on the farmed environment,’ added Wright.

‘Many of the traditional farming systems that benefit these species are now under threat both from industrial, large-scale agriculture and from more local economic development.

‘We need to identify valuable farmland landscapes and support local people so that they can continue their traditional farming methods and help maintain this unique biodiversity,’ concludes Wright.