Kuala Lumpur, Sep 1 (DPA) A French climber nicknamed “Spiderman” has climbed to the top of Malaysia’s Petronas Twin Towers, one of the world’s tallest buildings, a newspaper report said Tuesday.

Alain Robert, who has twice before attempted to scale the 88-storey landmark buildings in Kuala Lumpur, reportedly began his climb before dawn Tuesday, and managed to reach the peak before being caught by security officials.

Robert, 47, had been detained for not obtaining a permit for his feat, the Malay-language Utusan Malaysia said.

Robert had attempted to scale the building in 1997, and then again in 2007 when he was arrested after only managing to reach the tower’s 60th floor.

He has climbed more than 70 skyscrapers worldwide using his bare hands, including the New York Empire State Building, the Sears Tower in Chicago and the Taipei 101 tower in Taiwan.