London, Dec 3 (IANS) A gynaecologist from Ghana who botched four ‘designer vagina’ operations and an abortion has been struck off in Britain as he posed a ‘risk to the public’, a media report said Saturday.

Phanuel Dartey posed a ‘risk to the public’, a disciplinary panel ruled before concluding that ‘his integrity cannot be relied upon’. Dartey was found guilty of misconduct over his treatment of four women at his private Harley Street clinic, Daily Mail reported.

His laser treatments on the genitals claimed to improve patients’ sex lives while laser vaginoplasty improved the appearance of the vagina.

One patient told the General Medical Council hearing that she had to undergo revision surgery after part of her vagina was effectively amputated.

She said she still had heavy scarring and described Dartey as a ‘maverick’ who did what he wanted.

Another woman, a mother-of-five, said she had ‘never regretted anything so much in my life’ after visiting his clinic.

She said her minor incontinence became a ‘major problem’ following Dartey’s surgery and, although it had been corrected, she still suffered ongoing complications.

Both women had paid upto 5,000 pounds for the initial procedures, according to the Mail.

In 2006, Dartey treated a woman who travelled from Ireland to have an abortion at the Marie Stopes International Clinic in London where he had worked part-time.

He left parts of the foetus inside her which led to her suffering a perforated uterus after he performed an abortion.

The woman returned home and was later taken to hospital where she remained on the critical list for two months.

Dartey, who qualified in the former Soviet Union, had no valid medical indemnity insurance at the time.

The doctor made headlines two years ago with his ‘G-Shot’ jabs, said to be able to enlarge the G-spot.

The hearing was told that Dartey produced a forged certificate of Medical Protection Society membership to the clinic operators.