Athens, April 20 (DPA) Greek police Monday uncovered the hideout of members of a terrorist group linked to a rocket attack on the US embassy in Athens three years ago.

Greek prosecutors have already charged six people for participating in the country’s most active terrorist organization, Revolutionary Struggle.

The five men and one woman have also been charged with arms offences, carrying out explosions and attempted homicide and face up to 25 years in prison if found guilty.

During the raids in the central Athens suburb of Kypseli, police found at least eight rocket launchers, similar to the ones used in the attack against the US embassy and dozens of Kalashnikovs and MP5 submachine guns.

In recent raids, police also found at least 195 kg explosives, ammunition and more than 120,000 euros ($160,000) in cash in a house registered under a fake identity. Officials said the ammonium nitrate explosives were strong enough to blow up a six-

storey building.

Proclamations and statements discovered by police have linked the group to 16 other attacks which were carried out between 2003 and 2009. Police also discovered lists of journalists, businessmen and politicians who are considered targets of future attacks.

Since it first emerged in 2003 following the capture of terrorist organization Nov 17, Revolutionary Struggle has targeted government buildings and bombed banks and the Athens Stock Exchange.

It is believed to be behind the 2006 assassination attempt of a former minister.

The group reappeared shortly after the police killing of a teenager in December 2008, claiming responsibility for shooting at riot police guarding the culture ministry in central Athens.