London, April 1 (IANS) When on the dance floor, make sure to shake top half of your body well in order to woo the lady dancing next to you!

A study has found women prefer men who can move top half of body fluently while women who dance using the bottom half are most appealing to men.
People who waved their arms around, or kept them still next to their bodies, were considered ‘odd’ by both sexes, revealed scientists from University of Northumbria at Newcastle in the UK.
No previous studies have identified specific movement components that may influence perceived dance quality.
“The accuracy of the motion-capture camera system has helped us identify the specific movements within men’s dance that influence women’s perceptions of dancing ability,” explained Dr Nick Neave, a senior lecturer in psychology at University of Northumbria.
To unravel this, the researchers filmed volunteers dancing to a drumbeat with cameras to record the difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ moves.
Their movements were turned into 3D avatars which were then analysed by a panel, media reports said.
Good dancing moves serve to attract the opposite sex, they concluded.
