London, May 2 ( Hundreds of men and women stripped naked in a British park – all for the sake of art.

Naked men and women gathered at the Peel Park in Salford to pose for American artist Spencer Tunick who aimed to reflect the work of artist L.S. Lowry, Daily Mail reported.

The volunteers spread out across the park and they received instructions from Tunick through a loudspeaker for the installation called “Everyday People”.

The installation was commissioned by the LS Lowry gallery to celebrate its tenth birthday.

More than 4,000 people applied for 1,000 places for the installation.

Tunick Saturday told the volunteers to jump up and down to loosen up and keep warm.

“I think it went really well. I think we got it. I think the people here in Salford had the intention to make art. I feel like I didn’t miss anything. I made some really good works here.

“I really like how scattered the bodies were. It’s not so much a covering of bodies, but a sprinkling of bodies,” Tunick was quoted as saying.

Explaining his fascination for the naked human body, Tunick said: “I think being naked creates a new meaning for the background. It creates a relationship between the concrete world and the real world. The real world is us and everything around us is temporary.”