Washington, Feb 2 (Inditop.com) With the rise of India and China continuing to reshape the international system, the US looks at India as a strategic partner with rapidly improving military capabilities and shared democratic values.

“As the economic power, cultural reach and political influence of India increases, it is assuming a more influential role in global affairs,” the Pentagon noted in its Quadrennial Defence Review (QDR) released Monday by US Defence Secretary Robert Gates.

“This growing influence, combined with democratic values it shares with the United States, an open political system, and a commitment to global stability, will present many opportunities for cooperation.”

The QDR, which would shape the US defence policy for the next four years, noted that while the US will remain the most powerful actor, it must increasingly cooperate with key allies and partners to build and sustain peace and security.

“The rise of China, the world’s most populous country, and India, the world’s largest democracy, will continue to reshape the international system,” the review said.

Noting that “The distribution of global political, economic and military power is shifting and becoming more diffuse,” it said, “Whether and how rising powers fully integrate into the global system will be among this century’s defining questions, and are thus central to America’s interests.”

Looking at New Delhi as a key partner, the review noted: “India’s military capabilities are rapidly improving through increased defence acquisitions and they now include long-range maritime surveillance, maritime interdiction and patrolling, air interdiction and strategic airlift.”

“India has already established its worldwide military influence through counter piracy, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief efforts,” it noted. “As its military capabilities grow, India will contribute to Asia as a net provider of security in the Indian Ocean and beyond.”

But in the case of China, the review said, “lack of transparency and the nature of China’s military development and decision-making processes raise legitimate questions about its future conduct and intentions within Asia and beyond.”

The US’ relationship with China must therefore be multi-dimensional and under girded by a process of enhancing confidence and reducing mistrust in a manner that reinforces mutual interests, it said.

China’s growing presence and influence in regional and global economic and security affairs is one of the most consequential aspects of the evolving strategic landscape in the Asia-Pacific region and globally, the review said.

“In particular, China’s military has begun to develop new roles, missions, and capabilities in support of its growing regional and global interests, which could enable it to play a more substantial and constructive role in international affairs,” it said.