London, May 7 ( Indian origin Labour candidate Manish Sood, who called his Labour party leader Gordon Brown “the worst prime minister”, has lost badly in the Norfolk North West constituency in Britain.

Sood had hit out at Brown a couple of days before balloting. But the offensive did not help him in Thursday’s balloting. According to the BBC, Sood got 6,353 votes and finished third.

The seat was won by Conservative Henry Billingham who polled 25,916 votes while Liberal Democrat William Summers stood second.

Sood had said during campaigning: “Immigration has gone up which is creating friction within communities. The country is getting bigger and messier. The role of ministers has gone bureaucratic and the action of ministers has gone downhill – it is corrupt.

“The loss of social values is the basic problem and this is not what the Labour Party is about. I believe Gordon Brown has been the worst prime minister we have had in this country. It is a disgrace and he owes an apology to the people and the Queen,” Lynn News newspaper had quoted him as saying.

Following his comments, David Collis, chairman of the North West Norfolk Constituency Labour Party, had called Sood a “dreadful candidate”.