United Nations, June 1 (IANS) UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has named Atul Khare of India to spearhead efforts to implement a reform agenda aimed at streamlining and improving the efficiency of the world body.

Khare, currently assistant secretary-general, will lead the Change Management Team (CMT) at the UN, working with both departments and offices within the Secretariat and with other bodies in the UN system and the 192 Member States.

Announcing Khare’s appointment, Ban said the CMT is tasked with guiding the implementation of a reform agenda at the UN that starts with the devising of a wide-ranging plan to streamline activities, increase accountability and ensure the organization is more effective and efficient in delivering its many mandates.

Ban said the CMT, which will work under the direction of Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro, would prove particularly vital as the UN works to strengthen its performance at a time of budgetary constraints and rapid global change.

Most recently Khare served as deputy to the head of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO). Before that he held senior UN positions in Timor-Leste.

During his stint with the Indian Foreign Service, Khare served in France, Mauritius, Senegal, Thailand and Britain, as well as India’s permanent mission to the UN.