Tehran, Nov 3 (DPA) Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday that Iran would make no concessions over its nuclear programmes in multilateral talks scheduled for mid-November.

‘Acknowledgement of Iran’s (nuclear) rights should be the basis of the talks and there would be no concessions whatsoever over these rights,’ Ahmadinejad said in the city of Bojnourd in northeastern Iran.

The European Union’s foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, acting on behalf of the 5+1 group – Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the US – had proposed Nov 15 for the talks to resume in Vienna.

Iran has neither rejected nor confirmed yet the date, saying that the content of the talks should be clarified and that Iran would not accept demands to suspend its uranium enrichment programmes.

‘Iran will not accept any conditions as generally Iran does not need you (world powers) at all,’ Ahmadinejad said.

‘Talks can only be held on the basis of respect and equality, if they come up again with political tricks and an arrogant and imperialistic approach, then the outcome would be like before,’ he added, referring to past fruitless talks.

Iran, which is under several UN Security Council sanctions over its refusal to suspend enrichment, denies suspicions that it is secretly pursuing nuclear weapons.