Ramallah, June 23 (IANS) Israeli troops Wednesday arrested four Palestinians in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Palestinian police sources in Ramallah said that Israeli soldiers raided a number of houses and arrested four Palestinians, who were taken to an undisclosed location, Xinhua reported.

Earlier Wednesday, an Israeli army spokesperson said the arrests targeted ‘wanted Palestinians who carried out ‘hostile activities’ against Israel’.

Israel claims its raids in the West Bank are meant to arrest Palestinian militants who are involved in launching attacks against Israeli settlers and the troops guarding them in the territory.

However, the Palestinian National Authority complains that the daily Israeli raids weaken its efforts to enforce law and order in the settlement-dotted area.

In Jerusalem, fierce clashes erupted between Palestinians and Jewish settlers when the latter attempted to widen a road in an Arab neighbourhood with bulldozers, witnesses in the area told Xinhua.

The road widening would destroy a number of Arab-owned houses in the eastern part of the holy city.