Washington, May 28 (Inditop): An expert on South Asian affairs, Lisa Curtis, has said that Wednesday’s terrorist attack in Lahore should not shake Pakistan’s resolve to deal with the menace.

“The attack demonstrates that Taliban militants are capable of striking anywhere in the country. They seek to intimidate the Pakistani people and weaken Pakistani resolve in the fight against terrorism,” said Lisa Curtis, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Asian Studies Center.

“The Pakistani public now seems to understand the ultimate objective of the Taliban is to undermine Pakistan’s democratic institutions nationwide. They also see that the Taliban militants have no intention to lay down their arms. Pakistan has turned a corner in the fight against the Taliban in the last few weeks. The public and civilian leadership have finally galvanized behind the military to confront the Taliban on the battlefield,” she added.

“Any sign of retreat by the Pakistan military at this time would confuse the Pakistani public and revive international concern about stability in Pakistan,” Curtis concludes in her article.