London, April 22 ( A quick-thinking British teenager used a bottle of Coke to douse flames that had engulfed his father who was lighting a bonfire.

Nicholas, 15, took the two litre bottle of cola, shook it violently and aimed it at his father, Andrew Wythe, whose arms, chest, neck and ears were on fire, Daily Express reported Thursday.

Wythe, who was using a can of petrol to light a bonfire when a spark caused the fire, was rushed to hospital in Penzance and later transferred to Frenchay Hospital in Bristol after the incident Sunday.

He was treated for burns.

“It was hot day and we had taken a bottle of Coke to keep cool. I put the petrol on and straight away it set me on fire. I dropped to the floor and tried to roll round,” Wythe was quoted as saying.

Doctors say the injuries could have proved fatal if Nicholas had not acted swiftly.

“Instinct took over really,” said Nicholas.