Melbourne, Oct 7 ( A man of “Indian or Asian appearance” was stabbed in this Australian city following a brawl involving up to 10 men Wednesday, reports said.
The man was stabbed near a busy intersection in the suburb of Abbotsford.
An Ambulance Victoria spokesperson told The Age that up to 10 people were involved in the fight that spilled on to tram tracks at the corner of Victoria and Hoddle Streets just after 3.30 p.m.
During the brawl the 28-year-old man was stabbed and kicked to the ground, she said.
`Daniel’, a witness, told The Age that a man of Indian or Asian appearance, believed to be the stabbing victim, was sitting on the ground propped against a shop front.
He said: “He didn’t look too healthy.”
Paramedics arrived at the scene to find the man “dazed and confused” and with a significant wound to his upper body.
A Victoria Police spokesperson said the victim was taken to Royal Melbourne hospital with a non life threatening single stab wound.
He said there were believed to have been five attackers of Asian appearance who jumped on a tram heading for Box Hill.