Yangon, Jan 8 (DPA) A court in Insein Prison sentenced two officials to death and a businessman to 15 years in jail for revealing state secrets, officials said Friday.

Army Major Win Naing Kyaw and Foreign Ministry official Thura Kyaw were sentenced to death by the prison court Thursday for leaking information last year about a trip to Pyongyang by a senior general, said the source who asked anonymity.

Myanmar businessman Pyan Sein was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment for his involvement in the case.

The three men were arrested shortly after the Thailand-based Irrawaddy Magazine published a story about a visit by General Shwe Mann, then Myanmar’s third most powerful general, to Pyongyang allegedly to purchase arms and discuss tunnel-building.

The article, published last June, raised fears that Myanmar was collaborating with North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme.