New Delhi, Dec 22 ( Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh borrowed a leaf from Hindu mythology while defending the government’s stand at the Copenhagen climate summit, saying like “(some) gods have three feet”, India was with the G-77, the BASIC group and the industrialised nations.

“We’re in the G77 and in the BASIC group and in talks with industrialised countries. Many of our gods have three feet. We should do the same,” Ramesh quipped at a press conference when asked to comment on reported unhappiness among members of the Group of 77 countries at India’s stand in Copenhagen.

He then added as further illustration: “We should be like Nataraj (Hindu deity’s dance of destruction). Doesn’t he have four feet(sic)?”

He, however, admitted that some G77 countries – especially those in the 43-member Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) – blame India and China for not doing enough to tackle climate change.

“Bangladesh and Nepal also want us to reduce emissions more strongly; some African countries. In G77, there is not the 100 percent same point of view over everything.”

He later said: “It is unfair to say India abandoned G77. It’s simply not true.”

The group, which actually has 135 countries, combined with China to negotiate climate treaties as a bloc.

Ramesh said he was happy that India had not emerged as a deal-breaker in Copenhagen and had “played a constructive role”.

The opposition in the Rajya Sabha had charged that India’s interests had been compromised at Copenhagen.