Sydney, may 25 (Inditop): Notorious conman Peter Foster has claimed on Australian radio that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair might have fathered the baby of his ex-girlfriend Carole Caplin, who was a former confidant of Cherie Blair.Foster, recently released from prison after serving one third of a seven year sentence for money laundering in Australia, also repeats discredited claims that Tony and Cherie Blair used offshore trusts to avoid paying British taxes.Foster, who infamously helped Cherie Blair buy two cut price flats in Bristol makes the claims in an interview on ABC Radio National which were aired this morning.”When I was still dating Carole, when she was pregnant with our child at that stage, there were communications between myself and my lawyer because I had very real concerns about the relationship between Tony and Carole and the possible parenting of the child,” he tells the Sunday Profile programme.

“I had reason to believe that perhaps there was a possibility he was the father,” he says.

He also complains about the fallout from the Bristol flats scandal, which became known as Cherie Gate.

He has consistently claimed to have a “smoking gun” against the Blairs. (Inditop)