Vatican City, Jan 13 (DPA) Pope Benedict XVI Wednesday urged the international community to spare no effort in assisting the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

“My thoughts go in particular to the population hit just a few hours ago by a devastating earthquake which has caused serious loss of human life, large numbers of homeless and missing people, and vast material damage,” the pontiff said during his weekly general audience.

“I invite everyone to join my prayers to the Lord for the victims of this catastrophe and for those who mourn their loss. I give assurances of my spiritual closeness to those who have lost their homes and to everyone who, in various ways, has been affected by this terrible calamity, imploring God to bring them consolation and relief in their suffering,” he added.

“I appeal to the generosity of all people so that these our brothers and sisters who are experiencing a moment of need and suffering may not lack our concrete solidarity and the effective support of the international community,” Benedict said.

He said the Catholic Church would “immediately,” mobilise its charitable institutions, to assist the island-state’s population, the majority of whom are Catholic.

The 7.0-magnitude quake is thought to be the worst in two centuries. The capital Port-au-Prince, home to more than 1.2 million people was hard hit.

But, with the city in darkness, the death toll and extent of damage were difficult to determine.