Pittsburgh, Sep 26 (Inditop.com) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says developed nations would need to provide funding and affordable technology to developing nations in return for any commitments to fight climate change.

“There is a broad, vague agreement that any agreement in which developing countries are also required to take any national action will have to be accompanied by credible action on the part of developed countries,” he said at a post G-20 summit news conference Friday.

“But other than expressing a pious wish with regard to the success of the framework convention meeting in Copenhagen, the Group of 20 I think did not go into the mechanics of these things,” he said declining to predict whether a climate deal would be reached in Copenhagen by the December deadline.

“I’m not an astrologer,” Manmohan Singh added noting that while the broad outlines of the next climate agreement were already well-known, the summit here only took up global warming in broad terms.

The summit agreed to gradually phase out government subsidies for fossil fuels but did not set a timeline on the issue.