Beijing, Dec 3 (IANS) An increasing number of women from the neighbouring countries of Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar are being trafficked into China for marriage and even to work as prostitutes, a media report said Saturday.

The number of women trafficked into China is ‘definitely’ increasing, said Chen Shiqu, director of the anti-human trafficking office at the public security ministry.

He, however, did not give figures to illustrate the trend, Xinhua quoted a China Daily report as saying.

Since April 2009, the police have rescued more than 200 women in Hebei province alone, he said.

Poor women who are in their 20s and 30s are sold as brides or even forced to work as prostitutes after being lured by their abductors by promising them jobs and good life. The price of a bride could range from 20,000 ($3,145) to 50,000 yuan, Chen said.