Moscow, Dec 27 (Xinhua) Russia Saturday urged asked India and Pakistan to show restraint and prevent the use of force amid rising tensions between the two South Asian neighbours.

“Russia urges India and Pakistan to show maximum restraint and prevent the use of force on the border,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.

Tensions between the two nuclear rivals increased after the Mumbai attacks, as New Delhi accused Pakistan-based extremists of carrying out the attacks and accused elements within the Pakistani government and army of supporting terrorism in the region.

The Pakistani government denied the accusations, warning India to refrain from carrying out any strikes against Pakistan.

The statement said that Moscow was “extremely concerned” by reports that a massive concentration of troops and military hardware was under way on both sides of the India-Pakistan border, adding that tensions in the region had reached a dangerous level.

The ministry urged the two sides to settle problems through negotiations and pledged to offer help to both sides