Washington, Dec 2 (IANS) A single shot of Fibronectin, administered just after a spinal injury, can limit pain for eight months, according to new research.

Fibronectin, a protein that exists naturally in humans, supports the survival, growth and communication of neurons (brain and nerve cells) in the brain and spinal cord.

Researchers discovered, through testing in an animal model, that fibronectin shot into the spinal cord activates specific signaling pathways and results in pain-curbing effects, the Journal of Neurotrauma reported.

‘We are very pleased with the results from the fibronectin injection,’ said researcher Ching-Yi Lin, neuroscientist in Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute.

‘Perhaps this will signal a change in pain management after spinal cord injury,’ added Lin, according to a university statement.

The findings were presented at the annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience in the US.