Damascus, April 13 (IANS) Al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front used toxic gas in the central province of Hama, killing at least two people and causing suffocation to hundred others, official Syrian media said Saturday.

According to Syria’s official TV, the Nusra Front fighters used the Chlorine gas against the town of Kafr Zaita in the countryside of Hama, Xinhua reported.
Nusra Front was also planning to use the toxic gas against the Wadi al-Daif area in the countryside of Idlib province in northwestern Syria and the town of Mork in Hama countryside, it added.
Meanwhile, the opposition activists turned the accusation against the Syrian government, saying that at least six people were killed and 100 others affected by the government forces’ use of poisonous gas in Kafr Zaita and the Harasta suburb, in the countryside of the capital Damascus.
The first use of chemical gas was reported in an attack March 19, 2013 in the government-controlled Aleppo suburb of Khan al-Assal, which killed 26 people, including 16 military personnel, and injured 86.
The Syrian government and the rebels had traded accusation over the attack.
