London, Nov 3 (IANS) ‘Kill Bill’ star Uma Thurman’s stalker, who had been convicted in 2008 for aggravated harassment, broke his probation by calling the actress repeatedly.

A source at the New York Police Department revealed that Jack Jordan tried to phone the actress to warn her that her boyfriend financier Arpad Busson was not good enough for her and that she should not marry him.

During his trial, Jordan, who had been found outside the actress’ New York home, said he would have left the star alone if he knew his behaviour was scaring her.

‘I heard things like, ‘Would you leave?’ instead of, ‘Sir, you’re making Ms. Thurman nervous. Please leave,’ quoted Jordan as saying.

He, however, had a tone of regret when he said: ‘My greatest wish is that I could have known sooner that I was putting fear into the heart of a woman I cared very much for.’

Uma told the Manhattan State Supreme Court that she was more than bothered by Jordan’s actions.

‘I was completely freaked out, it’s been a nightmare,’ she said.