Lima, Feb 4 ( Peru has given permission to two US companies to explore hydrocarbons in the country, the energy ministry has said.

Olympic Peru and Ramshorn International will drill exploratory hydrocarbon wells in the country after the government approved their environmental-impact studies.

“With the approval of these studies, both companies can commence exploratory work,” said Iris Cardenas, head of the ministry’s environmental and energy affairs department.

Olympic Peru will drill six exploratory wells and 42 development wells in the northern Piura region.

“Olympic’s EIA (environmental-impact assessment) stipulates the company will earmark 10 percent of its well-drilling budget to the environmental-management plan,” Cardenas told the official Andina news agency.

Ramshorn International, a Bermuda-based subsidiary of the US oil and gas land-drilling contractor Nabors Drilling USA, will drill six exploratory wells in the northeastern Loreto region.