London, April 12 ( A young woman attacked a 40-year-old man with her stilleto heel in a street brawl in a British town, leaving him blind. The woman has been sentenced to a jail term, a media report said Monday.

Chelsea Holman used the long heel as a weapon in the brawl that took place in August last year. She has sentenced to an 18-month prison term, Daily Express reported.

The victim, Keith Hutchings, is likely to be left blind in both eyes as a result of the attack and an eye condition, Exeter Crown Court was told.

Hutchings was in the city’s clubland when a row took place after two men jumped a queue for takeaway food.

Hutchings’ admonished the queue jumpers and he flailed at a 17-year-old girl who had jumped on to his back.

Holman was carrying her shoes in her hands when she saw what happened to her friend. She then swung her shoe at Hutchings, catching him full in the right eye.

Holman claimed that she removed her shoes because high heels make her feet hurt.

“You are a caring, loving and formerly bubbly personality. But what happened that night has had catastrophic consequences for your victim who has to live with it for the rest of his life. This was a particularly grave injury and a weapon was used,” Judge Jeremy Griggs was quoted as saying.

Chris Bennett, the prosecutor, said that Holman had called Hutchings a “sick bastard hitting a girl”.

Bennett said: “Mr Hutchings simply wanted to get away. Holman continued to swear at him. He then saw her arm come up to his face and felt something hit him in his right eye.”

He felt blood ooze from the eye and he needed emergency surgery in hospital.