Chennai, June 2 (IANS) A 15-year-old boy has been arrested in Tamil Nadu for murdering a two-year-old boy whose father allegedly had illicit relations with his mother, police said Wednesday.

The shocking incident was reported Tuesday from Amathur in Virudhunagar district where M. Santhiveeran strangled Jyothisankaran, who lived in the adjoining house, and dumped the body in a gunny bag.

The victim was the son of Ganesan and Azhagammal.

Police inspector Mohan Thambirajan told IANS over telephone that Santhiveeran initially told the dead boy’s mother he had no idea where her son was.

But to pretend that he was concerned, he joined other villagers when they searched for the younger boy.

Meanwhile, a mysterious kidnap note was spotted outside the missing boy’s home demanding Rs.3 million ransom.

‘The note stated that Ganesan, Azhagammal and Santhiveeran have to come together with the money,’ Thambirajan said.

As the handwriting in the note resembled that of a child, Santhiveeran was asked to write few lines.

‘His handwriting and the handwriting in the ransom note matched. On further enquiries Santhiveeran confessed killing Jyothisankaran so that Ganesan and Azhagammal grieve till their death,’ Thambirajan said.

He said Santhiveeran wanted to punish Ganesan for having illicit relations with his mother.

This is the second murder charge against Santhiveeran. Last year he was arrested for killing a classmate, Satheesh, over a minor money matter.

Santiveeran was on bail when he commited the second murder.