Mohali (Punjab), June 5 (IANS) Police have initiated a probe into the death of a woman who suffered cardiac arrest after learning that her son was thrashed by two of his school teachers, an officer said Saturday.
‘We have a complaint from the deceased’s husband. Police are looking into the circumstances that led to Gurpreet Kaur’s death,’ Deputy Superintendent of Police Swarandeep Singh told IANS.
Thirteen-year-old Rattanpreet Singh, a Class 8 student of Yadavindra Public School here, had gone on a week-long trip to Manali May 23 with 56 other students.
During the trip, he was allegedly beaten up by two teachers, Anil Pathania and Harish Kumar.
He made a panic call May 28 to his home. When his mother learnt that her son had been attacked and humiliated, she suffered cardiac arrest and died the same day.
‘We are recording the statements of the teachers, students and other witnesses. Police would take appropriate action against the guilty,’ Singh said.
The school has sacked both Harish Kumar, a Geography teacher, and Anil Pathania, an Environment Studies teacher.