Kolkata, May 19 (Inditop) After leaving the Left Front battered in the Lok Sabha polls, Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee is now eyeing its constituents, the Forward Bloc and Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP).
Banerjee appealed to the Forward Bloc and RSP to switch sides and join her in ousting Left Front major Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) while participating in an interactive programme on Bengali television channel Star Ananda Monday night.
“I will again make an appeal to RSP and Forward Bloc. People of Bengal want a change. They want all of us to work together to defeat the CPI-M,” she said.
“I will be glad if the RSP takes a political stand. Let people of different thoughts work together to defeat the CPI-M,” Banerjee added.
The Trinamool chief was also prepared to hold a dialogue with these two Left parties.
However, she excluded another Left Front partner – the Communist Party of India (CPI) – saying it was too close to the CPI-M.
The Left Front has been ruling the state since 1977, but suffered a big jolt in the Lok Sabha polls.
While the Left Front secured only 15 seats, the Trinamool Congress-Congress-Socialist Unity Centre of India (SUCI) alliance secured 26 seats.