New Delhi, May 19 (Inditop) The Janata Dal-Secular (JD-S), which has three members in the new Lok Sabha, will give a letter of support to the new United Progessive Alliance (UPA) government, party leader H.D. Kumaraswamy said here Tuesday.
“Ghulam Nabi Azad, in charge of Congress affairs in Karnataka, asked us to extend support to the new government. I have agreed to give a letter of support,” Kumaraswamy, son of JD-S president and former prime minister H.D. Deve Gowda, told reporters.
“Unconditional,” he said when asked whether he has laid down conditions for support or sought a ministerial berth.
The three JD-S Lok Sabha members are Gowda, Kumaraswamy and N. Cheluvaraya Swamy, a former Karnataka minister.
Kumaraswamy said he met Azad Tuesday morning when the Congress leader formally sought the letter of support from JD-S.
This is Kumaraswamy’s second meeting with Azad. He had met Azad late Sunday as well.