Mumbai, April 29 (IANS) The Bombay High Court Friday dismissed the bail application of alleged tax evader Hasan Ali Khan, asking him to first approach a special court hearing cases against him on money laundering, a lawyer said.

‘Justice R.C. Chavan dismissed the bail application asking him to first approach a special court for money laundering cases,’ said I.P. Bagaria, Khan’s lawyer.

A Mumbai sessions court April 26 extended till May 7 the judicial custody of the alleged money launderer and tax evader.

Mumbai, April 29 (IANS) The Bombay High Court Friday dismissed the bail application of alleged tax evader Hasan Ali Khan, asking him to first approach a special court hearing cases against him on money laundering, a lawyer said.

‘Justice R.C. Chavan dismissed the bail application asking him to first approach a special court for money laundering cases,’ said I.P. Bagaria, Khan’s lawyer.

A Mumbai sessions court April 26 extended till May 7 the judicial custody of the alleged money launderer and tax evader.