Mumbai, July 16 (IANS) Producer Kumar Taurani is all set to launch his son, Girish, as an actor. He says that Prabhu Deva will direct the movie, but clarifies that Shruti Haasan has not been finalised as the leading lady.
“We have not yet finalised her. Wait for some time. Next week we will finalise,” Taurani told IANS.
When asked if he has approached Shruti, he said: “I can’t comment on that.”
The film is said to be a muiscal, but Taurani didn’t disclose whether it’s a remake or a fresh subject.
“All I can say is that the film will go on floors in August,” he informed.
Mumbai, July 16 (IANS) Producer Kumar Taurani is all set to launch his son, Girish, as an actor. He says that Prabhu Deva will direct the movie, but clarifies that Shruti Haasan has not been finalised as the leading lady.
“We have not yet finalised her. Wait for some time. Next week we will finalise,” Taurani told IANS.
When asked if he has approached Shruti, he said: “I can’t comment on that.”
The film is said to be a muiscal, but Taurani didn’t disclose whether it’s a remake or a fresh subject.
“All I can say is that the film will go on floors in August,” he informed.