Lucknow, July 24 ( The Allahabad High Court Friday reserved its judgement on a petition filed by Uttar Pradesh Congress chief Rita Bahuguna Joshi seeking a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) inquiry into the attack on her residence and quashing of a case lodged against her for making remarks about Chief Minister Mayawati.

Joshi’s counsel Rakesh Dwivedi pleaded before the court that the case registered against the Congress leader was disproportionate and politically motivated and hence the state government should withdraw it.

After hearing pleas from both sides, a bench comprising Justices Ravindra Singh and Nahid Ara Monis reserved judgement.

Joshi’s house here was set on fire July 15 allegedly by a group of ruling Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) workers following her remarks against Mayawati. Joshi made remarks that offended Mayawati both as a woman and a Dalit.

Joshi was arrested and charged under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. She was given bail by a Moradabad court Saturday.

She has expressed regret for her remarks.

The Uttar Pradesh government has asked the Crime Branch-Criminal Investigation Department (CB-CID) to investigate the arson attack, but the Congress has insisted on a CBI probe.